Bunnys, Cookies and the Message of Hope

Many of you know Easter as the day the Easter Bunny comes and hides easter eggs with surprises and enjoyment inside. I’m totally in with you on all the fun. There’s nothing wrong with wanting sweet memories for our kids. Growing up, I don’t remember looking for eggs, talking about bunnies or any of the like. I remember waking up before sunrise to get ready for Sunrise Service and remembering the reason and purpose behind Easter Sunday. I will share what that looked like and what I still currently share with my own children.

I was excited to hide “eggs”, to create decorations of bunnies and spring-like colorfulness in my house (messy and colorful) and backyard. I was also excited for the cookie decorating and delicious food. This year, however and like the rest of you, Easter was quite different. I woke up early to catch Easter Sunday Service with my online church (Elevation Church planted on the East Coast). Online church for me is actually pretty normal. I set the t.v. on in my bedroom, the kids had their service and I went on to mine. What was different this year is that I was responsible to really explain the beauty of the cross and not rely on the service itself. It was up to me to share from my heart what Easter means to me.

Live Easter Sunday Service

Elevation Sunday Service

Live every Sunday on Youtube

I love the message of Easter, the message of hope. What is that hope that I speak of, you ask? It’s simply the message of redemption given to us by Jesus Christ. A sinless man who died on the cross for the sins of the world so we could have a chance at everlasting life after death. To be honest, retelling the history of Jesus Christ could never be summed up into a paragraph. I wouldn’t even know where to start. If you’re wanting to know more, let me know. I’d love to share with you the story of Hope, eternal Hope.

So, after service, I had everything planned out. Eat a simple breakfast, invest more time and effort into lunch and dessert and of course the good ol’ easter egg hunt. I miss my extended family. I was invited to my moms to celebrate with my siblings and their families, but I just felt like we should stay home given everything that is going on. I miss seeing them and the kids, but I know this will end soon.

If words didn’t exist and we were only allowed to present our ideas or words in photograph…

Easter at the Velazquez House

Please tell me what your Easter looked like! There is no right or wrong way…just sweet memories we create and are present in.